Me-time: New brand identity


Making the time

We all know it’s important to find time for ourselves to take care of our wellbeing and health. From this thought we created Me-time. And this became the name and rallying cry for a new fitness club.

Next up was how to visualise this idea? As graphic designers, we are always looking to make instant and impactful connections. We saw the potential in the M to do just that. Turning the M into a person exercising seemed to be the perfect, and only, solution. The idea added wit – and with wit, the connection was complete. The double play of name and logo strengthened the communication and made it more enduring.

But good ideas are made better when they are extended and live on in other forms of communication. So we developed the Me-time concept across other applications, while keeping it fresh and playful. A vital approach to create the right associations and a memorable brand identity.

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